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Royal Milan & Bordighera H³ NewsletterFebruary 3, 1998 |
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From: Simon "Safe SoX" Brickle sbrickle@poboxes.com Date: Tue 3 Feb 1998 13:22:06 +0000 Subject: #761 #761 Monday 9 Feb'98 Gispert Memorial Hash at 7:30 pm from Ristorante da Samson, Via Melzo 28, MI. Run fee Lit 5,000. "Finger" food there after. Hare Bwana. ................................................................. Regarding subsequent runs, Hares required :- Sunday 15/2 Hares & venue required Love Hash Monday 23/2 Hares & venue required Sunday 1/3 Hares & venue required St. David's Daffodill Hash / Eisteddfod Monday 9/3 Hares & venue required International Women's Hash Sunday 15/3 Hares & venue required St. Pat's/Guiness Hash Monday 23/3 Hares & venue required Sunday 29/3 Hares & venue required Monday 6/4 Hares & venue required *) Monday 13/4 Hares & venue required *) rearanged to avoid Easter weekend Sunday 19/4 Hares & venue required *) and Sunday run before Bibione Monday 27/4 Hares & venue required *) 30/4 - 3/5 Bibione '98 On-On Simon "Safe SoX" Brickle If you want be involved in setting a trail then contact Simon direct :- sbrickle@poboxes.com 02-4120797 Home 02-43887948 Work 0347-4325214 Cellular ............................................................... Leman Geneva HHH/Royal Milan & Bordighera HHH Annual Ski Hash - 30 January - 1 February 1998 Argentiere Friday night in Argentiere - all the regular, normal skiiers had long since fled the town and headed to other resorts. They had heard that the "people who follow flour" were in town again. Yes, we were back - armed with blue flour, beer, orange wigs, coordinating outfits, songs, horns- the lot. The restaurant was in full swing when we arrived (late again) and Bwana on his arrival decided to announce that the Ski Hash would be moved to Italy next year - Romano looked overjoyed and the hotel owners were cracking open bottles of champagne. The singing started and friends, hashers and dogs were reunited once more. Some bad news was that Iron Bum had injured her leg skiing and would be out of action for the weekend. We managed to consume all the wine, and broke into "Singing in the rain" with JensC and Stuffing doing some very strange actions. The even later comers arrived - Paintjob (plus clothes), White Fang (with wrong passport) and Safe Sox. When we had drunk the restaurant dry it was off to our old favourite - The Office Bar where vast amounts of money were spent. I think the party poopers headed off to the nightclub after - I was boring and didn't. Saturday morning - I surfaced for breakfast at 10.00 and all the keen skiiers had long since departed. Tonedeaf looked dazed, Paint Job looked confused, Spicy Meat Balls looked too cheerful and Bwana looked like Bwana. No Grappa was wandering around muttering about married men. We decided that as this was the ski hash it would be a good idea to actually ski, so got up to La Tour for 11.30 and met White Fang and Stuffing. The skiing was not too energetic and we made it down in time for the start of the run. People gathered in the car park at around 4.00 - the beer wagon was opened, photos were taken, Tonedeaf, Bwana and Paint Job were suitably dressed for the occasion and gave the usual instructions. We headed off down a false trail, then back, then down another, then back......and this was the tone for the rest of the hash. Safe Sox had some problems in keeping upright and Knut Head and JensC impressed us with their front running. The trail went over the bridge, where Safe Sox performed yet more falling down tricks and soon we reached the grappa stop much to Squeaky's delight. The absence of White Fang and Stuffing and other Hash Wimps was noted as we warmed up on the grappa. We got a back to front version of "Every days a Wednesday" and continued on our way. The trail went into the forest area and uphill with Sparky Carpark leading us through. Bumm-erang was heard to say the immortal words "Gosh, this feels like running on snow" - Tonedeaf took note. We had a song stop under the bridge courtesy of Deep Throat and ran on avoiding the cross country trail. The beer stop soon appeared and the hares, Tonedeaf and Paintjob downed a beer and then continued on to set the rest of the trail live. We all had a good natter about who did what with who the night before and Iron Lady supervised the bar assisted by Iron Bum who now had her leg in plaster. The rest of the run proved to be short with the ON IN round the corner. We grouped up for the circle, armed with jackets, gloves, etc - apart from Tonedeaf and Phantom who braved the elements (and Paint Job later). From what I can remember (it is now 3 days after the event), White Fang was Hash Shit for not hashing and for bringing Stevie Blunders passport instead of hers. Bumm-erang got credited for her immortal words of wisdom, Iron Lady, me and Elaine got punished for hash elegance. When it came to the hares, we noticed that Paint Job had disappeared - then a vision came from the trees and a naked Italian appeared. Bwana tried to calm the girls by lodging a lump of snow in place of a fig leaf - will Paint Stripper (I've just remembered his proper name) ever be fully operational again? The no-shows got down downs - Royal Flush, Stuffing, Paris GM, etc. The organisers got thanked in true hash style, the other hashes were represented. The ticket forgetters were punnished. Tonedeaf got one for his knicker elastic breaking (again) and proceeded to pour beer down his shorts (which he still had on at 4.30 in the morning). Popeye and Phantom got one concerning a cunninglinguist and cunninglinguist got one concerning them. The hotel owners brought the hot wine into the middle of the circle and got a down down for their efforts. There were others......and before everyone froze to death, the circle was closed. Some of us headed over to The Office and the sensible people went to rest and have showers. The dinner was at the other hotel and after some aperitivo (beer) in the lobby we got the seating organised. The grub was good and for me the red wine was too good for which I later suffered. Old Macdonald was performed, Scotland the Brave, the French song about horny donkeys and the other usuals. Then we heard the rendition by Bumm-erang, Iron Bum and Tonedeaf of "Don't cry for me Argentiere" (both the Bwana and the Tonedeaf versions). We did sing these last year but everyone was too pissed to listen. When the wine was done it was off to the Office. Apparently I was actually in The Office however I have absolutely no recollection of this so I can offer no scandalous stories. I did hear that the nightclub went on to 4.30 in the morning (as did Tonedeaf's shorts). Sunday was leisurely with most people heading off to ski. We met No Grappa, Knut Head, JensC, Cunninglinguist and the gang for a drink and then came down for lunch with those remaining. Everyone was mellow and another Hash weekend drew to a close. All in all a great weekend - thanks to the organisers and ON ON to Italy next year (who will organise this??????????) Rough Knight PS from Tonedeaf....re the advice not to exfil Chamonix between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm. We passed through at 6:30pm and saw no traffic, nevermind a snarl-up. On-On to Dublin
Tone Deaf
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:-) | Bar Ristorante SERVUS, Via Cagnola 6 (MI) Tel 02-33603003. Con la consumazione di un piatto vi offriamo un DOWN-DOWN. |
:-{ | "Down-Downs" to non-sponsors |