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Royal Milan & Bordighera H³ NewsletterMarch 18, 1998 |
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From: Simon "Safe SoX" Brickle sbrickle@poboxes.com Date: Wed 18 Mar 1998 15:09:58 +0000 Subject: #767 #767 Monday 23 March'98 meeting 7:25 pm in Bar Pirata, Via Pordenone 1 (MI) ... near P.zza Udine. Hares may be Robin "Oink" Duff and Robin "Tonedeaf" Duff depending if the former comes and the latter can run. Run fee Lit 5,000. Eating somewhere after ... any suggestions for Italian? If the On-ON goes into the 24th we'll celebrate Hogmanay, the last day of 1997, according to the calendar of that little known hasher Dionysius Exiguus from Scythia HHH. .................................................................. #768 Saturday 28 March'98 Bwana & Rough Knight
Hares and venues required. To book a trail contact Simon"Safe SoX"Brickle direct :- sbrickle@poboxes.com 02-4120797 Home 02-43887948 Work 0347-4325214 Cellular Hare-Line as at 18/3/98 :- Saturday 28 March'98 Hares Bwana & Rough Knight Monday 6/4 Hares & venue required Monday 13/4 Hares & venue required Saturday 18/4 Hares & venue required Monday 26/4 Hares & venue required
#766 Sunday 15 March'98 at 12:00. La Fiametta (or Fametta) A sparkling March day in Milan, though the sight of mountains in the distance obscured the usual vista of smog and haze. Upon arrival, hashers were quick to note the presence of Cheesy Dick trying to organize a surprise birthday for himself, and Tonedeaf, drowning his sorrows with Freddy, the RMBH3 Once and Future GM. Since Bwana, the once ond future figurehead was in Harrods, checking out china patterns and inquiring about the price of butter knives, it fell to Freddy to open the festivities. Of course, the festivities were delayed as White Fang apparently forgot the first rule of gas rationing (first suck, then blow) and had to walk two kilometers to the circle. Not that there was any rush, as the Milan Hashers, awestruck at the knowledge that there are actually mountains near Milan, were more than content to mill about, consume alcoholic beverages and watch the trout float. Oh it was a grand sight, to see some of Italy's finest brave the elements and cast into the roiling waters of Lago Groane and land a fish that had only recently been seen at the Esselunga down the road. Eventually though the hare insisted that the hash begin and the seven of us began the task of convincing the hare that an immediate check back to the on-in was in order. Tradition ruled, however and we set on down the trail. Calls of "Are you on?" and "Uh, I think so." echoed through the countryside as we made our way ever closer to the beer stop. Song stops were performed in 45rpm, as even the walker (Iron Bum) was able to keep up with the Front Runner (no one, though Tonedeaf did put on a spurt during the first half.) With constant prodding form the hare we eventually made it close to the beer stop, where a bar was found. Though the beer wagon was located around the corner, the effort was deemed superhuman, and the hash repaired to the Birreria Las Vegas, where it was decided that Bwana would not be told where the Siena hash is to be held. When it was pointed out that the GM really should have this sort of knowledge, Paint Stripper leaned down and whispered in Freddy's ear. Freddy immmediately signalled his approval of the plan by going outside and relieveing himself on the wheel of an official Italian motorino. With that there was much rejoicing and the Hash moved on. Another beer stop was held to be ecessive, especially since White Fang had promised our appearance at the restaurant no later than 2:30. So, a quick conference was held and, ignoring the hare's suggestions to "check down that way", the on-in was quickly found. At the circle, down-downs were consumed with gusto and, after a soulful version of Swing Low Sweet Chariot, the Hash repaired to the restaurant, where it was regaled by a guy playing live casettes on his synthesizer, as well as an Italian nonno who complained that we were singing too loud and would wake up his grandchild. The chef di cucina, Alfredo Bordon came over before going home to ask if we were maratonetti ... seems he saw Annie sprinting the last 25 metres from his kitchen window and assumed we all did that all of the time ... and declared his personal best was under 2 hours 30 mins when he was the Italian marathon champion. Stuffing proudly volunteered he had done the New York Marathon and on being asked his PB muttered almost incoherently that he had "suffered all the way round with [some ailment] ... don't know what you call it in Italian ... but it is like water" [on his knee or in his brain we didn't find out] to get a knowing nod from Alfredo and thus avoided revealing the truth or telling a porky pie [lie]. Alfredo gave his FAX number to get future Hash info. He disappeared before we could let him down gently. After the hash, Paint Stripper, Tonedeaf and Stuffing made their way over to the Rho Rugby Club to watch a classic match. After arriving just in time to see the two teams walk off the field, discussions were held and it was decided that the Hash would challenge all comers to a touch rugby match some time in the future. Afterwards we went to the Rho RFC On-Inn and now it can be said that the Paint Stripper we know at the hash is a very tame version of himself at the rugby club! Mike "Stuffing" Thompson
The Italian Nash Hash will be held the weekend 26-28 June'98 between Milan. More soon.
Amazing... I found the Rome [HHH Ides of March Run] video on the CNN site. http://cnn.com/WORLD/9803/15/fringe/ides.march/video.html Dario "Mange le Twat" Strazzeri Rome H3
Tone Deaf
:-) | SUBSCRIBE to THE INFORMER, the only magazine for Expats in Italy that ALSO gives you a run for your money. |
:-) | "ON-INN" to "Ristorante Samsons" (Eritriano), Via Melzo 28 (MI)... |
:-) | "ON-IN" to "Home from Home" traditional supplies...Via Verdi 13, Castiglione Olona (VA). Phone / FAX Melanie Leary 0331-824373. |
:-) | "CHECKING" with Dr Joergen Draeby, D.D.S. General Dentistry for adults and children speaks English, Italian, and Danish, Via Giovanni Boccaccio 47 Milano (MM1 conciliazione) Tel / FAX 02-498.4974 Discount for Hashers |
:-) | Bar Ristorante SERVUS, Via Cagnola 6 (MI) Tel 02-33603003. Con la consumazione di un piatto vi offriamo un DOWN-DOWN. |
:-{ | "Down-Downs" to non-sponsors |