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Royal Milan & Bordighera H³ NewsletterDecember 4, 1997 |
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From: Duff Robin < rmd@msoft.it > Date: Thu 4 Dec 1997 14:40:08 +0000 Subject: Ski-Hash '98 For MILAN hashers not in the know, first a word from Robin "Tonedeaf" Duff:- Leman H3 are the organisers of the Argentierre Ski-Hash Weekend, Milan H3 traditionally set the Hash Run (not on skis) and support Leman whenever we can e.g. answer queries and take Milan bookings and payments. Cross-country skiing is possible in the village where we stay if there is sufficient snow (not for the last 2 years however). Hotels Couronne and Dahu are beside each other and have full facilities. Hotel Carrier is cheaper because most rooms do not have private showers although showering facilites are available I believe. ATC is self contained and is cheaper to compensate for it being 1km from the Hotel Couronne where the Registration and Saturday night dinner is. Hotels will fill up first come first served (my thinking is people will request Couronne / Dahu, ATC....then Carrier) so it is important to book accommodation as soon as possible. You can book and pay direct (Milan H3 doesn't need to know unless you are looking for / offering to give, a lift in a car to get there) ...... OR you can book and pay through Milan Mis-management as follows :- BOOKING VERBALLY to Tonedeaf is NOT a good idea as I don't remember anything after a Hash ... believe me. Verbally to Robin is marginally better and if you have no other way it MUST be to 0321-510452 Work (booze is less of a distraction there). BOOK by FAX to Robin "Tonedeaf" Duff 0321-94402 and I will copy Sarah (Milan Hash Cash). BOOKING by e-mail to Tonedeaf .... To: rmd@msoft.it ..........and copy Sarah (Milan Hash Cash) Cc: sarahspittle@hotmail.com If you "return" this e-mail, please cancel all the irrelevant bits to reduce the size for easier reading / printing .... and in any case ..to prevent it getting mislaid amongst the 70-odd routine e-mails I get each week type under Subject: "SKI-" and your "NAME" or "HASHNAME". Make sure you stipulate your hotel preference (not guaranteed), name each person and the room type they wish to share. ALSO when you think to pay (see next Paragragh). PAYMENT via MILAN MIS-MANAGEMENT You stay booked with the committment to pay Tonedeaf / Sarah (Hash Cash) in Lira cash or cheque (we'll tell you whom to make it payable to when you hand it over) up to the evening of the Milan Hash on Monday 12 Jan'98. I will confirm bookings to Leman H3 on the morning of Tuesday 13 Jan'98. I cannot speak for the availability of Hash Cash but my last Milan hash this year is Monday 22 Dec'97 and the first on my return is Monday 12 Jan'98. If we are not available then give it to any other Mis-Management who is willing and e-mail us what you have done (as per bookings). Get in touch with Tonedeaf (initially) if you have logistic problems and we'll sort something out. On-On Tonedeaf The Leman H3 flyer follows, my additions are in [ square brackets ] :- LAST WEEKEND OF JANUARY 1998 5th Joint ski hash LGH3/RMBH3 ARGENTIERE, Chamonix Valley --------------------------------------------------------- FIFTH JOINT INTERNATIONAL SKI HASH - 1998 THE ROYAL MILAN & BORDIGHERA AND LEMAN-GENEVA HASH HOUSE HARRIERS Hotel de la Couronne - Argentiere CHAMONIX VALLEY - MT BLANC TEL: (33) 04 50 54 00 02 Altitude of 1250 metres, easy access to the Grande Montets, La Tour and Chamonix valley's other extensive ski facilities DIRECTIONS: From Milan - A4 direction Torino; follow signs - Monte Bianco. Traverse the tunnel [ weekend return is possible, Lit 75,000 / car from memory ] and descend until the T-junction. Turn right - direction Chamonix. From Geneva - A40 direction Chamonix-Mont Blanc. Pass the Chamonix turn-off. Continue on main road and follow signs - Argentiere. The village is approx. 8 km. past Chamonix, up the Valley. The hotel [Couronne and Dahu ] is on the left, opposite the tourist information office [and a pub called The Office, both on the right going up-hill] and 200 metres from the train station. [I'll update where the other two are when I know] PROGRAM: Friday 30 January 1998 19:00 Registration at Hotel de la Couronne - pick up key - sign up for reduced rate ski passes (see note) 20:00 Dinner(optional) Saturday 31 January 7:30 Breakfast - collect ski passes Day is free / Skiing (optional) 15:45 Run 20:00 Dinner Sunday 1 February 7:30 Breakfast Day is free / Skiing (optional) 13:00 Lunch (optional) Fee includes 2 nights+2breakfasts+1dinner+beer+wine+jogging suit Price for Hotels Couronne or Dahu: FF800/CHF200/Lit 240,000 (early payment:FF750 received by 31-Dec-97) Price for Hotels Carrier or ATC: FF750/CHF185/Lit 225,000 (early payment:FF700 received by 31-Dec-97) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: France (except Paris),French Swiss and rest of world: Iron Lady 33/45056 7074h *33/45040 2702w * margaret.macpherson@st.com Crash'n'carry 33/0594 5042 8254h 41/22 730 6698w Alessandra Pileri pileri@itu.int Herpes 41/22/ 907 5769h 788 0066w Dimitri Raitsidis draitsidis@unog.ch Milan:Tone Deaf +39(0)321-94402 home + fax or +39(0)321-510452 work rmd@msoft.it Paris area: Spicy Meat Balls luciano.piccolo@tnt.e-mail.com ********************************************************************** REGISTRATION:mailing address LGH3-BP161-01217 Ferney V. CEDEX FRANCE Name(s)............................................................... [names / hashnames who is sharing / type of accomodation / hotel] [Home hash if not RM&BH3 ........... ] [contact person for everyone on this booking]:- Tel:........................h..........................w E-address....[if not as Sender] ..................................... Options: meal Friday Y/N lunch Sunday Y/N [need a lift for ... people from ................. can offer a lift for .... people from ........... ] Vallie Blanche (0nly for expert skiers) Y/N [Notes] Room preference (no guarantee-priority doubles & families) accomodation required is Single/Twin/Double/Family/Many Call Iron Lady for special children's prices <..................................................................> Payment [if you deal direct with Leman H3]:- Direct payment to Swiss PTT: account #12-18173-5 LGH3 Ferney Check enclosed: FF / Italian lire / CHF <..................................................................> Note: You can ski at: Les Grandes Montets (for intermediate and expert skiiers) La Tour (suitable for beginners) Vallie Blanche (only for expert skiiers): a tour with guides will be organized on Sunday. Limited places. Please reserve in advance. Pay for ski passes and Vallie Blanche tour (in French francs only) during registration. For the ski program please contact: Alessandra Pileri pileri@itu.int tel w +41 22 7306698 h +33 4 50428254 fax +41 22 7306675 or Dimitri Raitsidis draitsidis@unog.ch tel w +41 22 7880066h +41 22 9075769
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:-) | "ON-INN" to "Ristorante Samsons" (Eritriano), Via Melzo 28 (MI)... |
:-) | "ON-IN" to "Home from Home" traditional supplies...Via Verdi 13, Castiglione Olona (VA). Phone / FAX Melanie Leary 0331-824373. |
:-) | "CHECKING" with Dr Joergen Draeby, D.D.S. General Dentistry for adults and children speaks English, Italian, and Danish, Via Giovanni Boccaccio 47 Milano (MM1 conciliazione) Tel / FAX 02-498.4974 Discount for Hashers |
:-) | Bar Ristorante SERVUS, Via Cagnola 6 (MI) Tel 02-33603003. Con la consumazione di un piatto vi offriamo un DOWN-DOWN. |
:-{ | "Down-Downs" to non-sponsors |