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10 October 2003

 Bacchanalia Under the Moonshine (Switzerland) Hash House Harriers
   Run time:              Friday 10 October 2003 @ 19:00
   Organization:          Amnesia "dAnny Alig Jacobson", Friedlistrasse 12, Bern
   Meeting point:         Chez Marion & Amnesia 
   FOOd:                  We'll find at least one curried dish, I'm sure!
   FOOl mOOn at:          19:27 CET
   MOOn rise in Bern at:  19:13 CET
   MOOn set  in Bern at:  08:39 CET 11 October 2003

 The hare's instructions on how to get there:
   "Friedlistrasse 12, Bern. End station Bus #12. Exit bus, go to big 
    intersection of Schosshaldestr. and Laubeggstr. Just there by the 
    stop, head UP the hill on Schosshaldestr.. There is a bunch of 
    construction so working your way through the intersection by foot 
    may be complicated but definitely doable. Take the first street 
    on your left, Friedlistrasse, and ours is on the left, #12. Name 
    on the bell 'M. & D. Alig Jacobson'. 
    Post On-Inn beers and howling at the Tramdepot or Mahogany Hall"
Chez Amnesia and Marion, Friedlistrasse 12
From near
Chez Amnesia and Marion, Friedlistrasse 12
From far

Who was there?

Amnesia Runner/Hare
MarionA Runner
Lateshift Runner
Likk'mm Runner
Lonely Brain Cell Runner

Latest revision: 14th October 2003 by On Back - On Home