Bacchanalia Under the Moonshine (Switzerland) Hash House Harriers
FOOl mOOn at: 11:16 UT
Run time: Saturday 14 June 2003 @ 19:00
Organization: A special ghost hare
Meeting Point: RBS station Papiermühle, Bern
Bags: Leave in Bern HB
On-Inn: A local eatery
This will be an A -> B run. No doubt about it. There will NOT
be a bag car. Before the traditional curry On-Inn (providing
extra propulsion for our harriettes), there will be an opportunity
to drop by the Bern HB to pick up any left luggage, so USE THE
LOCKERS. (Otherwise carry it on the run.) This fOOl mOOn should
be not too hard on the Frauenläufer, if they dare to show.
Getting there
 Regional orientation |
 Local orientation |
By public transport:
Bern HB Papiermühle
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18:30 18:37
18:45 18:52
By private transport:
Where'd we go?